Kadang-kadang hanya mendapatkan dari titik A ke titik B tidak benar-benar penting. Beberapa orang ingin melakukannya dengan gaya dan dengan Panache tertentu, beberapa ingin mengatur kendaraan mereka sejauh terpisah dari norma mungkin (tanpa menyeberang ke konyol). Beberapa kendaraan digambarkan di sini hanya dibuat untuk pertunjukan, namun beberapa muncul layak jalan dan bahkan ... inovatif?
Let's start with -
Mini-Cooper Limo with a Pool!!

(Source: Strange Vehicles)

(Source: cars.ign.com)
Surface Orbiter:

"New Yorker Rick Dobbertin built the amphibious Surface Orbiter out of a milk truck in order to cross the world via land and sea. It took him 4 years, $175,000 and 14,000 man hours to complete."
(via Dobbertin Hydrocar)
Dave Major's Aerocar 2 (Propellor Car):

ZZR Made for the 60's movie classic "Out of Site" movie by the Barris company:

(image credit: Barris)
The famous Pacman Car:

(Source: geek24)

(Source: Harrod Blank, via)
Citroen DS in the movie "Fantomas":

Mafia Car?
another steering wheel variation:

Two-wheeled cars!
This page documents various two-wheeled oddities
(via Weird Daily)

(image credit: Kohler AG)

Still, they are not as weird as this futuristic car from 1918:

"Davis Motor Corp." car from 1948:

(Source: Uberreview)
Stout Carab, 1936:
Is this for real?

Unusual Bikes
Beer-table bike for the Harley Davidson Convention Members:
(created by Eric Staller)

(Source: cars.ign.com)

BRP EMBRIO Concept (read more here):

More creative means of transportation:

Finally, perhaps the strangest - Ski-lift Bus!
(used on Mt. Hood, Oregon between Government Camp and Timberline Lodge)
(image credit: VintagePhoto)

This fancy limousine is actually the longest limousine in the world. Total length is 100 feet (more than 30 meters). It has 26 tires, room for a lot of passengers, a heated Jacuzzi, sun deck, swimming pool, a few beds and… a helipad!

The three-wheeled micro car boasts the record for the smallest ever automobile to go into production. It has certainly got itself into a tight squeeze, but the world's tinniest car has every right to be there. Tucked in between two vans in London's Piccadilly Circus, the Peel 50 is legally allowed to take to British roads
Let's start with -
Mini-Cooper Limo with a Pool!!
(Source: Strange Vehicles)
(Source: cars.ign.com)
Surface Orbiter:
"New Yorker Rick Dobbertin built the amphibious Surface Orbiter out of a milk truck in order to cross the world via land and sea. It took him 4 years, $175,000 and 14,000 man hours to complete."
(via Dobbertin Hydrocar)
Dave Major's Aerocar 2 (Propellor Car):
ZZR Made for the 60's movie classic "Out of Site" movie by the Barris company:
(image credit: Barris)
The famous Pacman Car:
(Source: geek24)
(Source: Harrod Blank, via)
Citroen DS in the movie "Fantomas":
Mafia Car?
another steering wheel variation:
Two-wheeled cars!
This page documents various two-wheeled oddities
(via Weird Daily)
(image credit: Kohler AG)
Still, they are not as weird as this futuristic car from 1918:
"Davis Motor Corp." car from 1948:
(Source: Uberreview)
Stout Carab, 1936:
Is this for real?
Unusual Bikes
Beer-table bike for the Harley Davidson Convention Members:
(created by Eric Staller)
(Source: cars.ign.com)
BRP EMBRIO Concept (read more here):
More creative means of transportation:
Finally, perhaps the strangest - Ski-lift Bus!
(used on Mt. Hood, Oregon between Government Camp and Timberline Lodge)
(image credit: VintagePhoto)