freedom_Maher Zain


Gathered here with my family
...My neighbours and my friends
Standing firm together against oppression holding hands
It doesn't matter where you're from
Or if you're young, old, women or man
We're here for the same reason; we want to take back our land

Oh God thank you

For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we're here together

Calling you for freedom, freedom

We know you can hear our call ooh
We're calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall oh
We know you're here with us

No more being prisoners in our homes

No more being afraid to talk
Our dream is just to be free, just to be free
Now when we've taking our first step
Towards a life of complete freedom
We can see our dream getting closer and closer, we're almost there

Oh God thank you

For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we're here together

Calling you for freedom, freedom

We know you can hear our call ooh
We're calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall oh
We know you're here with us

I can feel the pride in the air

And it makes me strong to see everyone
Standing together holding hands in unity
Shouting out load demanding their right for freedom
This is it and we're not backing of
Oh God we know you hear our call

And we're calling you for freedom, freedom

We know you can hear our call ooh
We're calling for freedom, calling for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall oh
We know you're here with us

Chating yukkkkk...


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Tutorial membuat program java (J2ME) di HP (bag.2)


Tutorial membuat program java (J2ME) di HP

Yuuk mari. Dari postingan saya sebelumnya mengenai game yang saya buat, membuat saya berkeinginan membuat tutorial membuat program java(J2ME) di HP, mungkin nantinya saya akan membuat tutorial cara membuat game java di HP. Karena sebenarnya saya bukan orang yang ahli dalam membuat tutorial ataupun dalam membuat game, maka sebelumnya saya mohon maaf apa bila ada kekeliruan atau ada kesalahan dalam penjabaran teknis yang saya tulis.

Langsung saja tanpa panjang lebar lagi.

J2ME sendiri adalah teknologi dari Java programming language yang di khususkan untuk perangkat mobile seperti Handphone, Pocket PC dan apa lagi yah. Pokoknya buat perangkat kecil yang sering dibawa kemana-mana itu lho. J2ME sebenarnya sama dengan pemrograman menggunakan java sendiri, hanya saja dalam J2ME ada beberapa fungsionalitas yang ditambah dan dikurangi dan di sesuaikan untuk pemrograman perangkat mobile.

Tentunya untuk bisa membuat game di HP kita harus sudah biasa dulu menggunakan pemrograman dengan java, disini saya tidak akan mengulas bahasa pemrograman java -mungkin lain kali dalam postingan yang berbeda- saya mengharapkan anda sudah memiliki pengetahuan java sebelumnya. Disini saya hanya akan memberikan pengetahuan mengenai alat yang digunakan dalam membuat program java di HP dan konsepnya.

Untuk alatnya saya menggunakan IDE(Integrated Development Environment) NetBeans versi 6 yang bisa di download gratis di sini, pilih NetBeans yang sudah termasuk Mobility Pack. Agar kita bisa langusng menulis kode program tanpa harus menginstal macem-macem lagi.

Setelah anda menginstall IDE NetBeans, segera jalankan NetBeans nya. Untuk membuat projek baru pilih File-New Project. Nanti akan muncul seperti gambar di bawah.

Tutorial j2me

Pilih MIDP Application dan tekan Next. Selanjutnya anda akan di bawa ke layer Name and Location seperti di bawah ini.

Tutorial j2me

Input Project Name yang sesuai dengan nama project anda dan hilangkan centang di Create Hello Midlet. Tekan Next

Tutorial j2me

Ini adalah layar untuk menentukan target perangkat yang akan anda buat aplikasinya. Pada baris Emulator Platform adalah pilihan emulator yang anda Install di computer anda, untuk saat ini anda hanya menginstall emulator bawaan dari NetBeans anda. Setelah anda merasa perlu menginstall emulator platform untuk spesifik dari vendor lain seperti Nokia, Sony Ericsson dan Motorola anda dapat mengubahnya disini.

Device adalah perangkat emulator atau HP yang nantinya akan anda jalankan di computer anda, dalam menjalankan program yang akan anda buat. Apabila nantinya anda menginstal emulator platform dari vendor lain anda akan bisa menggunakan HP spesifik dari vendor tersebut.

Device Configuration dan Profile adalah spesifik kemampuan dari paket perangkat yang akan anda jadikan target aplikasi anda, sebagai contoh saya punya HP K608 itu mempunyai spesifikasi CLDC 1.1 dan MIDP 2.0 artinya HP saya bisa menjalankan program dengan paket yang ada di CLDC 1.1 dan MIDP 2.0. Untuk lebih lanjut mengenai perangkat yang anda jadikat target riset lah dahulu dengan melihat spesifikasi HP atau perangkat target anda.

Untuk mempermudah anda mengerti, cukup bayangkan HP lama adalah MIDP 1.0 seperti nokia 6015 dan nokia yang gede dengan slidenya yang saya lupa apa mereknya dan HP lama lainnya. MIDP 2.0 HP baru seperti nokia N70, N73, SE K600, SEW800 dan lain lain. Karena MIDP 2.0 lebih banyak ada baiknya anda pilih MIDP 2.0 dan CLDC 1.1 untuk aplikasi kita kali ini.

Pilih Next dan langsung pilih Finish. Siap siap!

Sebenarnya dalam NetBeans ini anda dapat membuat aplikasi HP dengan Visual MIDlet yang ada dalam NetBeans ini, tetapi untuk lebih memahami secara mendalam konsep pembuatan aplikasi dalam J2ME disini saya tidak akan memakai Visual MIDlet.

Konsep program J2ME adalah sebagai berikut. Dalam J2ME kita harus akan membuat main class turunan dari class MIDlet, main class turunan dari MIDlet tersebut yag nantinya akan dipanggil pertama kali saat applikasi kita berjalan di HP, dalam main class tersebut juga ada 3 method yang nantinya berfungsi sebagai trigger even dari HP kita. Seperti:

starApp(), method yang dipanggil apabila aplikasi kita pertama kali jalan.
pauseApp(), method yang dipanggil apabila pengguna hp mempause aplikasi kita.
destroyApp(), method yang dipanggil apabila pengguna hp menutup aplikasi kita.

Kita mulai dengan membuat classMIDlet baru untuk project anda. Klik kanan para project anda di project explore dan pilih new-MIDlet, namakan class baru itu dengan nama MIDletPertama. Kode terakhir file MIDlet anda terlihat seperti di bawah ini.

Tutorial j2me

Untuk pertama kali kita akan menampilkan “Hello J2ME World” pada layar HP. Ada dua jenis tampilan dalam MIDlet,

Low Level menggunakan class Canvas

High Level menggunakan Form

Disini kita akan menggunakan form untuk mempermudah anda mengerti pembentukan tampilan di MIDlet.

Tutorial j2me

Perhatikan kode di atas, frPertama adalah object Form yang akan kita tampilkan di layer, kita memberi judulForm tersebut dengan “Judul”. Lalu method append adalah method untuk menambahkan Item pada Form, Item yang ingin saya tambahkan adalah String “Hello J2ME World”. Statement Display adalah statement untuk menampilkan object frPertama kedalam layer.

Pilih F11 untuk build project dan F6 untuk run project.

Pilih midlet yang ingin dijalankan dan tekan launch di emulator, selanjutnya emulator anda akan menampilkan Form yang anda buat, seperti di bawah.

Tutorial j2me

Selamat, program anda sudah berjalan baik di emulator, bagaimana caranya menjalankan di HP sesungguhnya?

Masuk kedalam folder project NetBeans anda, buka folder dist

Tutorial j2me

Transfer file jar program anda ke HP anda melaluli Bluetooth, infra merah atau kabel data
Tutorial j2me

Selamat mencoba. Kalau ada pertanyaan silahkan masukan pertanyaan anda di comment blog ini.

Tutorial J2ME Membuat menu di Canvas
Tutorial J2ME Membuat menu Grid di Canvas
Download Source Code Mario Air [J2ME]


Contoh Membuat Aplikasi Java di Handphone

Hai sobat-sobat sekalian, kali ini saya akan membahas tentang membuat aplikasi java di HP. Pertama-tama teman-teman harus mempunyai aplikasi J2SE ( jdk-6u3-windows-i586-p ), J2ME WTK ( sun_java_wireless_toolkit-2_5-windows ), JCreator.
Urutan penginstalannya adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. install J2SE ( jdk-6u3-windows-i586-p )
  2. install J2ME WTK ( sun_java_wireless_toolkit-2_5-windows )
  3. klik kanan my computer, properties, advanced, enviroment variables,klik variable Path lalu klik edit. Di jendela Edit System Variable ketikkan ;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\bin;%PATH%
  4. install JCreator
Sebagai contohnya:
  1. Buka aplikasi Wireless Toolkit 2.5
  2. Klik New Project
  3. Isi Project Name (disini sebagai contohnya saya isi dengan ProjectTextBox2) dan MIDlet Class Name (disini sebagi contoh saya mengisikan MgmtTeks1), lalu klik Create Project
  4. Di Target Platform, pilih JTWI , lalu klik OK

  5. Buka aplikasi JCreator nya
  6. Di menu bar pilih File, new, file atau tekan ( ctrl + N )
  7. Dikotak sebelah kiri pilih Java Classes, dikotak sebelah kanan pilih Empty Java File, lalu klik Next
  8. Isikan Name nya ( disini sebagai contohnya saya mengisikan MgmtTeks1 ).
  9. Pada Location, klik ikon kotak, lalu pilih My Computer, C: , WTK 25, apps, ProjectTextBox2, src, lalu klik OK, Finish

  10. Isikan Script dibawah ni di JCreator, jika script dibawah ini tidak bisa dijalankan, download saja file txt aslinya disini,

    Program Management Teks Memakai Object TextBox
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

    public class MgmtTeks extends MIDlet
    implements CommandListener
    private Display disp1;
    private TextBox tb1;
    private Form InfoForm1;
    private Alert alert1;
    private Command CmdExit;
    private Command CmdAturTeks;
    private Command CmdInsertTeks;
    private Command CmdBlankTeks;
    private Command CmdFormInfo;
    private Command CmdReturn;

    public MgmtTeks()
    disp1 = Display.getDisplay(this);
    tb1 = new TextBox("Management Teks", null,256, TextField.ANY);
    CmdExit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
    CmdAturTeks = new Command("Atur Teks", Command.SCREEN, 2);
    CmdInsertTeks = new Command("Insert Teks", Command.SCREEN, 2);
    CmdBlankTeks = new Command("Blank Teks", Command.SCREEN, 2);
    CmdFormInfo = new Command("Form Info", Command.SCREEN, 2);
    CmdReturn = new Command("Return", Command.SCREEN, 2);

    public void startApp()

    public void pauseApp()

    public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)

    public void commandAction(Command Cmd, Displayable s)
    if (Cmd == CmdExit)
    else if (Cmd == CmdAturTeks)
    tb1.setString("Atur teks di TextBox");
    else if (Cmd == CmdInsertTeks)
    tb1.insert("Teks Disisipkan", 0);
    else if (Cmd == CmdBlankTeks)
    if (tb1.size() > 0)
    tb1.delete(0, tb1.size());
    else if (Cmd == CmdFormInfo)
    InfoForm1 = new Form("Informasi Teks Di Form");
    InfoForm1.append("Teks Yang Ada: " + tb1.getString() + "\n");
    InfoForm1.append("Jumlah karakter: " + tb1.size() + "\n");
    InfoForm1.append("Posisi Kursor: " + tb1.getCaretPosition());
    else if (Cmd == CmdReturn)
  11. Save
  12. Pada Wireless Toolkit 2.5 klik Build, lalu Run
Mudah bukan cara membuat aplikasi HP dengan Java, sobat-sobat sekalian bisa mengambangkannya lagi. Selamat mencoba . . . .




The World's Hardest Game


Dance Revolution



- Cantik rupa, hati bersih. Hatiku hampa tanpa adanya kekasih #PantunGombal | @Haris_Sqd
-Batuk berdahak harus segera di obatin, kita punya hak untuk jadi seorang pengantin ! :0 #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- supir- odong-odong kemarin ke Kenya, mau dong dengerin suaranyaaa~ :0 #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- Ibu guru ngecek daftar hadir, did you really love me dear? o:) #PantunGombal | @ferdimanamana
- brjuta ph0n kangkung,hanya 1 ph0n bringin
brjuta gadiz d.kampung,hny kamu yg qu ingin (pantun gombal)
by : arie
- gak diteras gak diruang tamu ada tumpukan oleh-oleh, tadinya hati ini keras ngeliat kamu langsung meleleh~ :0 #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- Lagi jalan-jalan tiba-tiba hujan lebat, waktu kita kenalan bibirku bergetar hebat ! :0 #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- Di ruang tamu ada ular berbisa, cintaku untukmu luar biasa ! #PantunGombal | @venturee
- Briptu norman nyanyi lagu india, hatiku aman deket dia... #PantunGombal | @AziEm_
- bulan adalah satelit bumi, kemana neng berjalan, ingatlah abang disini #PantunGombal | @fyaAjaDah
- jumpa polwan berbulu mata lentik, kamu keterlaluan ! terlalu cantik~ :0 #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- mbok jamu liburan ke Amrik, ngeliat kamu jantungku seakan di tarik-tarik ! #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
Ada oneng ada bang bajuri, bujuk buneng, wajahmu indah bagaikan peri ! B) #PantunGombal | @handreasstefano
- beli plastik buat bungkus kerupuk , neng cantik ketemuan yukk ~ #PantunGombal | @ChristoperCVS
- Ada kancil make anting dilirik semut, Biar kata kecil yg penting kamu cantik dan imut :) #PantunGombal | @the_arul
- si Papa pulang dari surabaya, kalo ada apa-apa langsung bilang ke aku ya~ #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- Mbok jamu rambutnya belah tengah, waktu ada kamu nafasku terengah-engah~ :0 #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- Beli tembakau dapat hadiah mobil ferrari,, Cuman dikau yang selalu daku cari-cari. #PantunGombal | @ini_i2
- Pengedar putau, ngegigit besi, hidupku galau, jika kau tak disisi #PantunGombal | @Alvindra22
- makan bakwan bareng si david, what do you want? I will give it~ :0 #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- Sapi perah makan kedondong, kaki kamu berdarah? sini aku gendong~ #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- Ke Maluku, beli jamu | Malamku sepi tanpamu~ #PantunGombal | @Alvindra22
- Pergi ke sabang cari angin, idih abang ngangenin! #PantunGombal | @janekura
- Duduk di halte jumpa penjinak buaya, Sore Tante, pinjem anak gadisnya ya~ :D #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- makanan getuk beredar di Sabang, kamu ngantuk? sini nyandar di bahu abang~ #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- Hujan basah berteduh dibawah pohon duku, Hatiku resah waktu kau tak disampingku #PantunGombal | @the_arul
- Habis mengubur tutup lubang, ashar ke dzuhur aku mikirin abang #PantunGombal | @janekura
- Minum kolak dicampur air keruh , aku gak bisa nolak kalo udah kamu yang nyuruh~ | @arfisulthano
- seorang Bartender pacaran sama mpok Atik, kok kamu minder? percuma dong kamu cantik~ #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- sudah di jewer dipukul pake kayu | any time and anywhere, i can feel you~ o:) #PantunGombal | @rizaalputra
- Lagi balapan karung jumpa wanita jablay, hatiku bingung ingin selalu dikau belai~ :0 #PantunGombal | @ini_i2
- lagi Upacara denger bunyi gluduk, waktu kita bicara jantungku sungguh Dag Dig Dug !! :0 #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
ke Borubudur jumpa Kabayan, pokoknya gak mau tidur sebelum  kita Jadian ! :0 #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
Ada bebek ketabrak kereta, walau aku bau ketek tapi aku punya cinta o:) #PantunGombal | @ferdimanamana
Pergi bertamu ke rumah surti, kedipan matamu buat aku jatuh hati #PantunGombal | @rizaalputra
- Mandangin awan di balik jerami, you miss someone? I hope it's me~ #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- Beli baju kok di toko buku, mama ku setuju kalo kamu jodohku~ #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- makin di lap makin wangi | walau hari gelap wajahmu tetap menerangi~ #PantunGombal | @rizaalputra
- peminta minta mamam kue Bolu, aku sih sebenarnya cinta, tapi malu-malu~ #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- ke jerman beli manggis, ke belanda beli bakwan. matahari juga gue tangkis, untuk lo yang the only one #PantunGombal | @ari_rh
- Emping duku beli seloyang, sekeping hatiku untukmu sayaang #PantunGombal | @fajartepe
- kebiasaan tidur terlentang sambil makan salak, waktu kamu datang semua mata pria terbelalak ! #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- Beli batik lagi lagi jumpa mbok jamu, dia cantik? kalah dong sama kamu~ :) #PantunGombal | @arfisulthano
- Malam rabu lihat bulan sabit, kala di dekatmu jantungku jadi "double beat" #PantunGombal | @janekura

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows 2009 (PC/ENG) RIP by Team JPN

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows 2009 (PC/ENG) RIP by Team JPN

Spider Man: Web of Shadows 2009 (PC/ENG) RIP by Team JPN
Developer : Treyarch and Shaba Games | Platform : PC | 1.12 GB
Publisher : Activision | Publication Type : RIP | Language & Voice: English
Genre : Action (Slasher)

Mysterious threat looming over New York. Streets metropolis filled with strange slime, usual people turn in awful monsters, the life slowly leaves a huge city. Suspected only one Venom. Terrible creation, the evil twin of Spider Man, firmly resolved to become sole owner of Manhattan. Only his reflection Peter Parker himself able to resist the impending danger. Chases, disturbing the blood of fight, improbable jumps and flights on the Web all waiting for you in the new game of the beloved hero!

Some amazing talents Peter enough for what would withstand such a powerful enemy. In this battle you want to use the same weapons as the enemy. Try again in a dark hypostasis Spider Man! Black suit if injects adrenaline into blood, increases forces, gives a sense of superiority. One blow and here already the opponent writhes in agony. But the line between good and evil is always fragile, in struggle for lives of townspeople themselves, you risk becoming a generation of horror and unaccountable fury. Key from your destiny in your hands!

Absolute Power. For the sake of other peoples lives Peter Parker is ready to sacrifice their own. Even the hordes of awful monsters it not to stop. Type the enemy into a wall, toss it in the air, crush a mortal blow tens receptions are accessible to you!
Two ways. This time, Spider Man will have to rely on the strength of his sworn enemy Venom. Red and black costumes grant various abilities: both those, and others needed to win, but who knows what will be the finale? You will sacrifice everything for the lives of others or themselves will join a powerful villains and subordinate a Big Apple?
The city that never sleeps. New York is in full view. Huge city with millions of inhabitants. Now hes turned into a battlefield, and you have to fight for every street and every district
Will fit all. In a battle with legendary villains come in handy all that is at hand. Machine, Chip Wall, a concrete slab or a simple stone any weighty subject can be turned into a dangerous weapon
Star team. The well known heroes of comics Marvel can become friends or sworn enemies of Spider Man. Among them, Luke Cage and Vulture decide which camp to join
Selective evolution. As we move to the final prize winning points will allow you to create from the Spiderman of the hero of their dreams. Improve only those qualities and abilities that are like you!

System requirements:
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon 64 2800 +
Memory: 1 GB (Windows XP) / 1.5 GB (Windows Vista)
Video: 3D graphics adapter with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX 9.0 and supports Pixel Shader 3.0 (Nvidia GeForce 7300 GT or better)
Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c
Free hard drive space: 6 GB
Additional software: DirectX 9.0c
Controls: A keyboard and mouse

Features RIP:
The basis is taken from the license Activision
Audio quality 100
Video quality 100
Do not cut
Nothing is converted
Installation takes 15 20 minutes
Run the game with a shortcut on your desktop
Author rip Team JPN



Mortal Kombat (2011/ENG/XBOX360/RF)

Mortal Kombat (2011/ENG/XBOX360/RF)

Mortal Kombat (2011/ENG/XBOX360/RF) | Size: 6.48 GB

Year: 2011
Genre: Arcade (Fighting) / 3D
Developer: NetherRealm Studios
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Platform: XBOX360

Publication Type: License
Region: Region Free
Language: English (ENG)
Size: 6.48 GB

Description: New Mortal Kombat fighting game continues the series of cult. In it you will see new possibilities for a new engine, a fascinating story campaign, a large-scale multiplayer, as well as meeting with the already grown fond you are fighters. It is worth noting that despite the new three-dimensional engine, all fights will take place in 2D. In addition, besides the usual one on one duels, the Mortal Kombat arcade present co-operative battles and Tag-Team battles that support up to four people online. Will not do in the game, and without firm strokes (Fatality), which can crush the enemy is already defeated and that became even bloodier and fiercer.

Mortal Kombat (2011/ENG/XBOX360/RF) Mortal Kombat (2011/ENG/XBOX360/RF) Mortal Kombat (2011/ENG/XBOX360/RF)

Download: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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Break Dance Tutorial


Counter - Strike Xtreme v5 (PC/ENG2011)

Counter - Strike Xtreme v5 (PC/ENG2011)

Counter Strike Xtreme v5 (PC/ENG2011)
Developer: Sierra | Platform: PC | Lang: English | 818 MB
Genre: FPS, Action

Counter Strike Xtreme V5 (2011/ENG) A new transformation lyubitelskoy assembly Counter Strike! in essence the same takoyzhe Counter Strike multiplayer only offline with computer opponents. This pritnaya fines for people who are out of the slow net are not happy to play on foreign servers and also have the opportunity to test the armor available in the CSO, of 1.6 was really the principle mulpleernogo regime.

Added about 20 types of weapon and player models (which is added and not replaced)
The effects of the murder
Their sounds for each weapon
New special effects
Highlighting Weapons
Included in the assembly of six mods: Human Scenario, Deathmatch, Zombie Mod, ZombieScenario plus new effects and animation
Fixed errors when connecting
Search for servers running
Added patch solves the problem with error Component MSCOMCTL.OCX of one of its dependencies not correctly registered ...

Game modes:
Normal classic game
Human Scenario hold several rounds of mercenaries and to endure in the last round to destroy the helicopter
In order that would play in this mode to disable bots and run the map hs_desertstorm otherwise the game may hang
Deathmatch a team game on a team with instant respawn
Ghost Mod you against a team of ghosts are barely visible and they are armed only with knives
Zombie Mod the classic zombie mod. an infected attempts to infect all the others
Zombie Scenario alone against hordes of zombies. need to survive and destroy the main and ghouls

Minimum system requirements:
500 MHz processor
Windows XP
Video card with 16 MB of memory
Mouse, keyboard
Sound Card
Internet connection



Test IQ


Portal 2 (2011/ENG)

Portal 2 (2011/ENG)

Portal 2 (2011/ENG) | Size: 9.80 GB

Year: 2011
Genre: Logic (Puzzle) / 3D / 1st Person
Developer: Valve Corporation
Publisher: Valve Corporation

Publication Type: Digital License
Language: English
Medicine: Temporarily absent

Continuation of the famous "puzzle first person» Portal, awarded the title of "Game of 2007" more than thirty Russian and foreign specialized editions.

After completion of the events that occurred in the first game, it took several hundred years. Rousing himself, the protagonist Chell finds that all the time in a state of suspended animation near the broken Laboratory studies on the nature of portals. She meets one of the modules personalities GleDOS Wheatley, who offers to get on the freedom of using a rescue capsule. But the obsessive desire for power supercomputer GLeDOS very different plans for Chelle ...

In Portal 2 players waiting for more puzzles, jokes and bold experiments. Have to overcome obstacles, as before, with the help of portals, but now you can use gels that improve the speed and increase the range of jumps, as well as reflecting the laser cubes, gidrotruby and other strange objects.

For those who wanted to get Portal to friends, appeared to co-op mode, where you can control two robots. They are not peculiar to pride, they do not know fear ... and they know nothing. Mate will have to robots through the insane obstacles, created GLeDOS, and find out what's their purpose.

- Single player campaign. Fascinating story and an unusual game mechanics will make you forget about time and not let off the screen for several hours.
- A game for two players. Independent storyline, new characters and unique gameplay features.
- Improved physics. In Portal 2 all became more interesting, unusual and confusing, but not harder!
- Music Vision. The original soundtrack perfectly fits into the unusual atmosphere of the universe Portal.

System requirements:
System: Windows 7 / Vista / XP
Processor: 3.0 GHz P4, Dual Core 2.0 (or higher) or AMD64X2 (or higher)
Memory: 1 GB XP / 2 GB Vista / 7
Hard disk: At least 7.6 GB of Space
Video: 128 MB or greater and DirectX 9-compatible with support for Pixel Shader 2.0b (ATI Radeon X800 or higher / NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or higher / Intel HD Graphics 2000 or later).
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible

Portal 2 (2011/ENG) Portal 2 (2011/ENG) Portal 2 (2011/ENG)

Download: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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PSP Game | Devloper: THQ | English | 1.25 GB
Genre: Wrestling

WWE All Stars is an over the top, arcade style beat down featuring the WWEs past and present superstars of the ring. WWE All Stars delivers one of the greatest rosters ever assembled in a wrestling centric videogame. Renowned WWE Legends will align with todays most prominent WWE Superstars, inviting players to generate fantasy matches and ultimately determine the greatest competitors of all time. In addition, each WWE Legend and WWE Superstar will boast a distinctive and highly stylized appearance, adding to the overall atmosphere and intrepid attitude exuding from the on screen action.

WWE All Stars encompasses a fluid, intuitive and original gameplay style, creating a highly competitive environment and an engaging spectacle. Packed with high flying, hard hitting and over the top action, players will explore a variety of responsive quick grapples, strong grapples, standing and running attacks, as well as combination sequences. Every WWE Legend and WWE Superstar on the power packed roster will be equipped with individual abilities, signature moves and renowned finishers to create the ultimate in ring experience.




Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals

Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals
Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals | 36 MB
NDS-VENOM | NTSC-US | Action | 2010
Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals, released as Estpolis: The Lands cursed by the Gods in Japan, is an action role-playing game (RPG) video game co-developed by Neverland and Square Enix for the Nintendo DS. It is a re-imagining of the 1995 Super Nintendo Entertainment System game Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals, also developed by Neverland.
Unlike the previous Lufia games, this is an action-rpg game similar to games like The Legend of Zelda, Secret of Mana, and Kingdom Hearts. Gameplay is no longer turn-based; players can roam around freely and attack monsters without waiting for the battle scene to occur. Only one character can be playable on-screen. The player can choose a map to go to without fully navigating the map like Lufia: The Ruins of Lore. Players can equip armor and weapons that can give players unique abilities in combat. The game takes advantage of the dual screen. In certain battles or puzzle-solving, certain actions may be disabled or the top-screen is used to navigate actions committed by bosses. Characters do not gain experience from defeating certain bosses. Players can press the feather button on the screen to go back to the stage selection menu. Players can also hit the rewind button to go back to the previous dungeon. These options may not be available if an essential event is going to be triggered in that area. Like in all Lufia games besides the Lufia & the Fortress of Doom, The Ancient Cave returns.

Alice in Wonderland (2010/ENG/RIP by RFG Team)

Alice in Wonderland (2010/ENG/RIP by RFG Team)

Alice in Wonderland (2010/ENG/RIP by RFG Team)
PC | ENG | Developer: Etranges Libellules | Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios | Year: 2010 | 1.48 GB
Genre: Arcade (Adventure) / 3D / 3rd Person

Before you play the movie, which all were waiting with bated breath. One of the most amazing tales of all time in the film adaptation of Tim Burtons brilliant absolutely incredible event! Zazerkalny world of Lewis Carroll in Burton interpretation simply amazing ... and a new game studio Disney will allow you to go there! From the first visit to Alice in Wonderlands been a long time and now she was back there ... But in a mysterious world, much has changed: now they all obey the evil Queen of Hearts, which offends the naive subjects. It is time to step in and turn everything upside down! Together with Alice, the girl you pass the magic paths of the garden, get acquainted with the talking flowers and, of course, meet friends and favorite characters. Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat, March Hare and others all offer their talents and skills to help you! You are waiting for a fascinating puzzle, amazing adventures and battles with wicked minions of the Queen. Help Alice overcome all obstacles and restore order in Wonderland! Charming and brilliant, this game is suitable for children aged 12 years and for adults.

Explore the glades and paths of Wonderland
Use special abilities Mad Hatter, March Hare, Cheshire Cat and other characters
Visit familiar locations in the mode of playing together

System requirements:
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7even
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon 64 2200 +
Memory: 512 MB (Windows XP) / 1 GB (Windows Vista / 7)
Video: 3D-graphics adapter with 128 MB of memory, compatible with DirectX 9.0 and supports Pixel Shader 2.0 (Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 or better)
Sound: 16-bit sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c
Free hard drive space: 2 GB
Additional software: DirectX 9.0c or DirectX 10
Controls: A keyboard and mouse

Features RIPa:
The basis is taken from the license Disney Interactive Studios
Audio quality 100%
Video quality 100%
Cut videos and all languages ??except English (voice interface and English)
Nothing is converted
Installation takes 20-25 minutes
Run the game with a shortcut on your desktop
Author rip RFG Team




Black Mirror III (2011/ENG/RePack)

Black Mirror III (2011/ENG/RePack)

Black Mirror III (2011/ENG/RePack)
?ear:2011 | English | PC Game | Developer: Cranberry Productions | Publisher: Lace Mamba Global | 1.89 GB
Genre: Adventure / Mystery / Horror

Black Mirror III completes the story of the terrible events of Gordon family, filled with a string of mysterious murders, associated with the curse of the castle, Black Mirror. The action of this part begins in a few minutes after the Black Mirror II. The castle is lit, and Adrian is trying to hide in the woods. But it as the main suspect, police arrest ...

Three weeks he spent in a cell alone with his nightmares, which do not give him no rest, night or day. And suddenly he was free ... Darren is left alone with his terrors and begins to investigate. Soon, the main character begins to suspect that his past is connected with evil.

Continuation of the famous series of adventures
More puzzles and turns of history
Great graphics, lots of hidden mysteries

System requirements:
System: Microsoft Windows XP / Vista
Processor: Pentium IV 1.5 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon
Memory: 512 MB / 1024 MB
Video Card: 3D graphics adapter with 256 MB compatible with DirectX 9.0c (GeForce FX 6600 or Radeon X1300)
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX 9.0c

Infernal - Full (ENG/PC/Full ISO)

Infernal - Full (ENG/PC/Full ISO)

Infernal Full (ENG/PC/Full ISO)
Platform: PC | Publisher: Eidos Interactive | Developer: Metropolis Soft. | Type: ISO | Size: 1.64 Gb
Lang: Eng | ESRB: MATURE | ESRB Descriptors: Blood, Violence, Language
Genre: Fantasy Shooter

The story isnt improved by some rather clunky exposition the kind that holds up its hands apologetically and says I know Im a bit of rubbish, but I promise youll be shooting monks in the head in no time, really.And thats exactly what youll be doing, and probably having fun too, at least for a while.

Playing as Ryan Lennox, another in a long line of badly named, poorly developed game characters, you take on the guise of a fallen angel, now working for the other side. But Ryan looks like he was condemned to be Beelzebubs monkey from the start. His I Love Satan goatee and his attempts at tough guy banter were never going to make for a believable cherub.As youd expect, the one interesting character, and the only one with a half decent voice over, is the Devil himself a cross between Ice T and Robert de Niros demonic turn in Angel Heart. But even the Lord of Darkness has to suffer the ignominy of being a walkie talkie guide through the missions. When you hear the Devils voice in your head, its supposed to say things like take the forbidden apple and mow down your postal co workers with an AK 47, not powerful shots cost you a lot of mana. Use them only when necessary.

Recommended System Requirements
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.5 GHz (Athlon XP 2800+)
Memory: 1 GB
Hard Drive: 2 GB Free
Video Memory: 256 MB (Radeon X1800/GeForce 7800+)
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Keyboard & Mouse
DVD Rom Drive

Burn or mount ISO file
Follow steps in readme.txt

Icewind Dale 2 Complete + Extras (PC/ENG/Full Rip)

Icewind Dale 2 Complete + Extras (PC/ENG/Full Rip)
Icewind Dale 2 Complete + Extras (PC/ENG/Full Rip)
Language: English | PC | Developer: Black Isle Studios | Publisher: Atari | 1.43 GB Genre: RPG (Rogue / Action) / Isometric
The game takes place in the north_western part of the universe, Forgotten Realms, Targos around the city, one of the ten cities of the region bIcewind Dale / b, thirty years after the events of the first part. New terrible threat _ to be cut off from the rest of the world _ hangs over the north and the ten cities ... In addition to the game is Adventure Pack, which contains new artifacts and more.Contents of file: - Playing Icewind Dale 2 - Update Adventure Pack - Manual (152 pages) - 2 oboin in high resolution - Spellbook - Soundtrack - 2 avatar - 13 artov System requirements: - Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7 - Processor: Pentium II 350 MHz - Memory: 64 MB - Video: DirectX compatible - Sound: DirectX compatible sound card - Hard disk space: 1.4 GB
Icewind Dale 2 Complete + Extras (PC/ENG/Full Rip)
Icewind Dale 2 Complete + Extras (PC/ENG/Full Rip)
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Global Agenda: Free Agent (2010/ENG)

Global Agenda: Free Agent (2010/ENG)

Global Agenda: Free Agent (2010/ENG) | Size: 5.89 GB

Year: 2010
Genre: Action, RPG, Massively Multiplayer
Platform: PC
Developer: Hi-Rez Studios
Publisher: Hi-Rez Studios

Publication Type: License
Crack: Not required
Language: ENG
Size: 5.89 Gb

2155. After a devastating third world war, the repressive government in the world intends to monitor the entire planet. And only a few remaining independent agencies are able to resist using a single method - specially trained advanced tactics of warfare elite group of troops equipped with the latest weaponry. The future of humanity - a war! Where: The knowledge - force, technology - extraction, and everyone on the agenda!
Create your agent - create, customize and develop diverse abilities of your agent, diluting shooting ability in the style of RPG. Discover the unique weapons and devices, such as jetpacks, grenade launchers, mines, deployable towers, Stealth-suits, holographic decoys, droydy and much more.
Cooperative play with friends - four players can work as a team, passing a common mission, talking in voice chat, defeating bosses and earning rewards.
Compete in fast games. Teamwork and tactics prorabatyvanie is of paramount importance throughout the game.

Make a free game but there are disadvantages:
- Lack of access to e-mail
- Lack of access to the auction
- Limitations in the chat
- Inability to create agency
- Advertising using voice chat
And so, you can play!
Link to register an account in the folder Disk 1!

System requirements:
System: Windows XP SP2 +, Windows Vista SP1 +, Windows 7
Processor: 2.4 + Ghz Single-Core Processor
Memory: 2GB RAM (3GB RAM required for Vista / Windows 7)
Video Card: 256mb video ram or better with Shader Model 3.0 + (GeForce 8 series or higher / Radeon HD3000 series or higher)
Sound Card: Directx 9 +
Hard drive: 15 GB Free Space

Installation instructions:
1. To log into Steam
2. Run steambackup.exe (Global Agenda Trial \ Disk_1)
3. Wait extract (approx. 10 min)
4. Nothing to update do not need all of us assume he will update (if need be) if I'm any problems simply check the cache
5. Play.

Global Agenda: Free Agent (2010/ENG) Global Agenda: Free Agent (2010/ENG) Global Agenda: Free Agent (2010/ENG)

Download: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk - RELOADED | 1.8 GB
Genre: Action | Language: English
The fury-fueled video game features key moments from the film, as well as additional plotlines and characters from The Incredible Hulk universe. Players crash through New York City, battling gigantic enemies amidst soaring skyscrapers in a massive open world.

System Requirements:
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+
Memory: 512 Mb
Hard Drive: 1.8 Gb free
Video Memory: 128 Mb
Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5600 / ATI Radeon 9600
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
DVD Rom Drive
Install Notes:
1. Unrar.
2. Burn the image.
3. Install the game.
4. Copy crack from the Crack directory on the DVD to your installation directory.
5. Play the game.
The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk

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